An Interpretation of Love

Exam time = Blogging + Movies …. Yep !! That pretty much sounds like me 😛

Saw one of my all time favorites yesterday- ‘A Walk to Remember’

And yeah you can guess what’s coming up next, the famous few lines ‘Love is… ‘ Though this is not what I was thinking would be my next post, nevertheless, the lines are beautiful.. And I have my own interpretations…Here-

Love is always patient and kind
It is never jealous
Love is never boastful, nor conceited
It is never rude or selfish..

It does not take offense
It is not resentful
Love takes no pleasure… in other people’s sins
It delights in truth

It is always ready to excuse..
…. to trust
… hope
…..and to endure

Whatever comes…..

So true and moving these lines are… And I have a thousand interpretations (exaggeration 🙂 )

But, my favorite one is-

“Love is a wonderful wonderful feeling. Something that was perhaps created to make our lives simpler, happier, more peaceful. A bridge that was supposed to bridge our being and wanting to be something. It was supposed to teach us virtues like patience and kindness, resentlessness and the beauty of selflessness. Love was supposed to show us how delightful it is to be happy in the happiness of the ‘people’ we love ( It never was/ is/ never will be about just that one person… naah !! not possible). Among many other goodness enriched qualities, what makes it most beautiful is that teaches us Life.”

Yet, when we look around, we find that most of our woes arise from/ due to this love. It sounds as if God’s wonderful plan backfired. Love was supposed to ease those furrowed brows in times of woes, not be the reason behind them.

Is not Letting Go another beautiful face of love. Try it… it surely works. Love is beautiful. Experience it with open palms. Closing them tight will hurt no one else but you.